Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Penis Skin sensitivity. लिंग की त्वचा की संवेदनशीलता

Penis Skin sensitivity.  लिंग की त्वचा की संवेदनशीलता

  • What is penis sensitivity and how it plays a dominant role during intercourse?
I will highlight some reasons and solutions to know how it happens and also will provide the solution to avoid this problem.
  1. Reason:- Masturbation is one the most common reason that makes the penis very sensitive and it happens most people at a young age because at that time skin in progressive mode. and due to hand rubbing on the penis makes it more sensitive. sometimes pimple also persists on the forehead of the penis. in this scenario, if cloth lightly touches on penis head boys feel the more painful sensation.
  2. Solution:- To avoid this problem first stop masturbation as it’s not only ruining your life but also your relationship. apply penis oil on a daily base before sleep just takes 8-10 drops of this oil and slightly massage on the whole penis. you will see a miracle result. your too sensitivity will be reduced and will come in normal mode. even your pimples will also vanish.


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