Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Foreplay संभोग पूर्व क्रीड़ा

Foreplay संभोग पूर्व क्रीड़ा

Foreplay is the most necessary part of sex. if you want full enjoy without pain and make your journey longer. then you should have to do the foreplay. whoever performing intercourse without foreplay they are just like swelling food not chewing. if you chew the food then you test the food and enjoy eating but if you swell anything you didn’t know the test. so don’t forget the foreplay even your partner also doesn’t like sex without foreplay. its boost your stamina and make your body hot and your blood pressure well flowed in your whole body and you feel pleasure and relaxation. your thoughts become romantic as well your partner thought also become romantic. I will not go here in deep to about to explain how to perform it. I will say just one sentence.do whatever can make arousal for your partner do it. say him to do the same as this with each other to get arousal and feeling romantic.


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