Saturday, December 14, 2019

Online Homeopathic consultation ऑनलाइन होम्योपैथिक परामर्श

Online Homeopathic consultation 

  ऑनलाइन होम्योपैथिक परामर्श

We are providing online consultation in homeopathic medicine. Please send us your disease details in the below email and send us along with the account transfer receipt 250 in the below account for consultation. medicine charge will be extra and it will be either delivered in the nearest location or it will be dispatched by courier service. Appointment time will be provided after payment.

Whatsapp 9833629281
Account details
Bank SBI
Evershine Nagar Malad, Mumbai 400095
Mohamad Ahamad
A/C 36809068432
Ifsc code SBIN0008075

1 comment:

  1. सर नमस्कार मेरे कान में सीटी आती है 2:30 से 3 साल हो गया है सर इसके लिए कोई उपचार बताएं दवा
